Editions of PSE

Issue 50 March-April 2009: News Update - General education in 14-19 diplomas: the precedents How academies are failing BME and working class communities - 100 years on from the Ruskin strike . . .  - Materials: Darwinism - Trade union education: some thoughts from the past (3)

Selected Articles

We've listed a few articles by Colin Waugh that appeared in some of the earlier editions of General Educator and Post 16 Educator. A fuller index is available here.  

Curriculum Managers (PSE 1)

The usual reasons for leaving GS: how valid are they? (PSE2)

The meaning of 'reprofessionaisation' (PSE2) 

Polytechnical Education (PSE3)

Gramsci's Views on Logic (PSE4)

Why the Section is changing ((PSE5)

Vygotsky (PSE6)

Plebs League (PSE7)

The Core: what should the Section do? (PSE8)

The ALE up to 1980 (PSE9)

Communication as a key skill: what is it for? (PSE11)

A-Level grades: why we need democratisation (PSE12)

Workers who can win against New Labour's FHE agenda (PSE16)

Intellectuals and 'the oppressed' (PSE31) 

Review: Hilda Kean Challenging the State? The Socialist and Feminist Educational Experience 1900-1930 (The Falmer Press, 1990) 217pp (PSE10)

Why Section members should take part in the Socialist Movement (PSE10)

Why the core is not dead (GE11) Consideration of whether the official scheme for bringing in a set of ‘learning outcomes’ that would be common to both ‘academic’ and ‘vocational’ courses for 16-19 year olds has collapsed.

Review: the waning of curricular Thatcherism? (GE12) A review of Gilbert Jessup's Outcomes: NVQs and the Emerging Model of Education and Training (Falmer Press, 1991).

1991 White Paper Education and Training for the 21st Century (GE12) Contextual and descriptive analysis.

DISCUSSION: The meaning of "reprofessionalisation" (PSE2) March – April 2001